
App Interfaces

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App Interfaces

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Interfaces suit all categories

Dr.Dent has interfaces that help all service providers in the dental market in the private sector, including doctors, centers, companies, suppliers, laboratories, and recent graduates

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Doctor's interface

You can now create your own page, communicate with companies, suppliers, and laboratories, and follow up on jobs. You can also, with your account as a doctor, link your account to the “Asnani” application for patients, advertise your services, and receive patient reservations according to your region with ease

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Medical center's interface

You can now create your own page and communicate with new graduates, doctors, companies, and dental laboratories in all regions and specialties, which helps you attract distinguished talents and follow the latest technologies. You can also, with your account as a medical center, link your account to the “Asnani” application for patients to advertise the center’s services and receive reservations from patients according to your region

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Medical company's interface

You can create your own page, communicate with centers, doctors, and dental laboratories, display your products and services, create a broader network of relationships than your current network of relationships, determine the target segment according to your products, and specialize in all regions with ease

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Dental lab's interface

You can create your own page, communicate with companies, suppliers, medical centers, and clinics, display your products to your customers, and expand your network of relationships in all regions with ease

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New graduate's interface

You can create your own page, follow the jobs required for the labor market, follow training courses, develop your skills, communicate with clinics and companies, and know everything new in the dental market

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Patient's interface

The "Asnani" application offers you the best services, offers, discounts, and doctors in the field of dentistry in your area or any other area. By downloading the application, you can now obtain many features, including: seeing previous reviews, viewing the doctor’s page and see the center’s page, adding a rating according to the service, reception, and waiting time, booking appointments and cancel for free, communicate with the service provider via text and receiving notifications of daily offers and discounts for free and with ease

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