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2022 0 Jul

Dental Anesthesia Supplies in Saudi Arabia

Dental Anesthesia Supplies in Saudi ArabiaAnesthesia is a basic technique used daily in all dental c...

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2022 6 Jul

Dental anesthesia

Dental anesthesiaGoing to the dentist is known to be uncomfortable at times for many people because...

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2022 4 Jun

Tooth extraction in Saudi Arabia

Tooth extraction in Saudi ArabiaTruth be told, tooth extraction is not the most pleasant experience,...

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2022 4 Jun

Tooth Extractions

Tooth ExtractionIt may seem arduous, a bit painful and nerve-wracking for ordinary people for whom t...

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2022 2 Jun

Dental emergencies

Dental emergenciesMost dental services are known to be pre-scheduled during regular appointments, ho...

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2022 2 Jun

Root canal treatment in Saudi Arabia

Root canal treatment in Saudi ArabiaIt is known that the root canal is the part of the tooth in the...

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2022 2 Jun

Root canals

Root canalsRoot canal treatment may seem like a scary and indigestible thing for yourself, but it do...

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2022 2 Jun

Tooth decay

Tooth decayHave you ever had a toothache and wondered why you had such a painful experience? You are...

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