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Dental veneers

Dental veneers

Have you been dreaming of a new smile that dazzles your friends, family and acquaintances? Or maybe you want to fix a slightly distorted smile due to an unsatisfactory dental appearance? Dental veneers or dental veneers can be the best way to achieve what you want with success.

Before you dive into the special and lengthy procedures of dental veneers, we want to make sure that you have all the information you need, dental veneers are not suitable for every case so let's look at everything we will explain to you in the following lines.

What is dental veneers?

Dental veneers or veneers are thin coverings made of a durable material that is resistant to staining or discoloration of the teeth that surround the front side of your teeth. Dentists make molds to shape your natural teeth in order to attach and install the veneers on them, so this cosmetic process is a process They are extremely long lasting (you will need new veneers every 10 to 15 years), you can simply say that dentists can create a smile with veneers from previously damaged or disfigured teeth.

Veneers were first invented in 1928 and have been used primarily to alter the appearance of actors' smiles and expressions for various dramatic roles.

In 1937 the same dentist who made temporary film veneers formed acrylic veneers and began to modify the process of making them, and today many other materials are used to repair teeth and create beautiful smiles all over the world.

Factors of using dental veneers or not

You can choose veneers for whiter teeth, especially if you have a change in the color of your teeth and the teeth whitening process has not been effective. Some patients may want to fill in the gaps between the teeth, and these are often indentations or voids in the upper front teeth.

One of the best things about dental veneers is that they can visually correct any problem you have while maintaining the natural appearance of your teeth. However, the need for veneers does not necessarily mean covering all of your natural teeth. If there are only a few teeth that worry you, then partial veneers are a convenient option. And at your convenience, you can discuss all these details with the best cosmetic dentist in Saudi Arabia.

What are the candidates for dental veneers?

Dental veneers or veneers are ideal for people with:

- The color of the teeth has changed so severely that it cannot reach the desired white color.

- Damaged teeth resulting from accidents.

- The desire for a completely new smile in a very short period of time for an important event.

Who should not use veneers?

If you have any of these conditions, veneers are not the right choice for you at all as:

- Dental stridor

- Those with advanced gum disease

- Patients with functional problems with dental malocclusion (crooked teeth).

In addition, if your natural teeth have significant caries or your oral health in general is poor, you may not want to use veneers as they do not actually treat any problems related to oral health, they are 100% cosmetic, advanced tooth decay will continue to develop ( untreated cavities) and gingivitis (gum disease) even if you cover them with veneers, so your dentist may think that other dental procedures such as crowns or root canals will be more appropriate for you.

Finally, veneers do not straighten your teeth. If you suffer from bite problems from a crooked tooth (malocclusion), you may cause yourself a large number of health conditions by covering up this problem from a cosmetic point of view only while neglecting to treat it, and some of these problems include Temporomandibular joint, digestive problems, and sleep apnea.

So instead of opting for veneers, talk to your orthodontist about straightening your teeth with Invisalign or other orthodontic treatments.

What are the types of dental veneers?

Porcelain (or ceramic) and composite veneers are among the most popular types of veneers, here are some details about these and some other popular options:

- Porcelain or ceramic veneer

Porcelain veneers are the ideal standard for renewing your dream smile. Your dentist will do some preparatory work on your teeth, then make a mold completely similar to your teeth and their sizes, and then send it to a dental lab to make the veneers that are right for you.

Of course, porcelain veneers are characterized by durability, in addition to that, porcelain veneers are very resistant to staining, which keeps your beautiful smile whiter for a longer time.

Porcelain veneers are the best choice for the most damaged teeth (broken or chipped teeth, or darker teeth).

If you grind or put pressure on your teeth too much, ask your dentist about traditional porcelain veneers because they are stronger alongside a night guard to help protect your teeth while you sleep. Keep in mind that a night guard is only a temporary measure while determining the cause of nighttime grinding.

- Resin Veneer

Composite veneer made of resin is not as strong as porcelain, however composite veneer is still a great product and usually costs a bit less.

The process of installing this type of veneers usually takes only one visit to the doctor, where your dentist can shape the material, bond it and apply it to the teeth on the same day, so people who do not have many problems with their teeth are the most prominent candidates for this type of veneers.

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