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Zoom teeth whitening

Zoom teeth whitening

Do you want to change the appearance of your smile quickly and effectively? A beautiful smile can boost your self-esteem, improve interactions in your social and work life, and increase your confidence. One of the quickest ways to brighten your smile and give yourself a dose of self-confidence is to get a teeth whitening treatment.

One of the most famous of these treatments and techniques is the use of the famous Advanced Zoom teeth whitening system, which is the most advanced whitening technology around the world, and works to provide the final whitening experience in less time and more comfort than any other whitening system where the dentist is allowed to change the intensity settings according to patients who suffer from: Sensitive Teeth The advanced system allows patients to whiten their teeth up to eight shades in just one hour providing 40 percent better results than a conventional Enhanced Whitening system. This is the ideal instant teeth whitening treatment for people who don't have a lot of time.

What is the Zoom Teeth Whitening Procedure?

The procedure is simple. Start by brushing your teeth and preparing to cover your lips and gums, leaving only your teeth exposed. The dentist then applies a Zoom whitening gel, which is designed to be used with the Zoom laser. The Zoom light and gel work together to gently penetrate your teeth to break up stains, yellowing and discoloration of teeth to shades Lighten, and after four cycles the protective gel will be removed from the gums and you will have the whiter, brighter smile you desire.

Before you go home you will receive a special Zoom whitening kit to take home with you, the kit includes specially made molds along with a whitening gel, your dentist will explain to you how to use the kit to keep your teeth white for longer.

Laser teeth whitening

Laser teeth whitening is another way to remove stains and change the color of the teeth to lighter shades, making them whiter and brighter than before. At first, your dentist will stick a peroxide-based gel on your teeth and then make sure that the bleach does not touch the soft tissues of the gums and inside the teeth because this can To cause irritation, and once the gel is in place, the heat of the laser is used to create a chemical reaction that breaks up the stains and lightens the color of the teeth. The length of this process varies depending on the number of teeth you want to treat. This is because the laser only emits a very narrow beam of light, which means It is necessary to whiten each tooth separately.

What is the difference between advanced zoom teeth whitening vs laser teeth whitening?

There are some key points of difference that you should take into consideration when choosing between laser teeth whitening and Zoom whitening, and they include:

- Zoom whitening reaches all of your teeth at the same time and this helps ensure an equal reaction rate and better consistency of results. As for laser teeth whitening, it targets one tooth at a time.

- Zoom technology applies the method of miniaturization, meaning that it filters infrared energy, and this means that your teeth are not exposed to heat as much as they are exposed to during laser whitening treatments, and at the same time laser whitening causes a long exposure to infrared emissions.

- Zoom technology whitens teeth faster as studies have shown that Zoom whitening actually produces faster results than laser teeth whitening.

 - Laser whitening can be more convenient for patients, as some patients find it difficult to tolerate three consecutive sessions of the Zoom whitening technique, especially if their teeth are somewhat sensitive.

- Laser whitening can be used more effectively to target specific teeth, as laser whitening is applied to each tooth separately, making it a more amenable solution for patients who only need to whiten one or two teeth in particular. As for the Zoom technique, it is applied to all the teeth.

- If you are interested in a brighter smile using Zoom teeth whitening treatment, you can connect with centers and dentists on the Dr.Dent app to book an appointment with a group of the best and highly experienced experts anywhere in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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