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Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is specifically used when you want your smile to look brighter and make your teeth whiter. Therefore, people may want to consider this type of cosmetic treatment to change the appearance of their smile for the better. Many people may want to consider teeth whitening for an important event for example a party. A wedding, a job interview, or a special vacation, so if you want to understand everything about this process, you should continue reading as this article will cover and explain how teeth whitening works, how long the process takes and what are the next steps after it.

What is teeth whitening?

We can explain the teeth whitening process as an effective way to use a cosmetic dental care procedure to lighten the natural color of your teeth without removing any layer of the tooth surface so that it is whiter and brighter than usual.

There are various ways to whiten your teeth, including the use of whitening toothpaste, mouthwash and similar products that remove surface stains on the teeth at very little cost, however having it done by professionals is the best option to get satisfactory permanent results.

How does teeth whitening work?

Teeth whitening is a simple process as whitening products contain one of two teeth whiteners (hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide), these bleaches break down and break down the yellowing and tooth stains into smaller pieces so that they can be easily eliminated making your teeth brighter.

Bleaching products contain peroxide (hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide) and these products remove surface and deep stains on the teeth and can make the tone of the teeth even lighter than their natural color.

Does whitening work on all teeth?

No. For this reason, it is important to talk to your dentist before you decide to start this process. Teeth whitening may not correct the change in the color of the tooth, for example, it is possible that the yellowing of the teeth is not visible in a noticeable way, and the brown teeth may not respond as well, as well Bleaching will not work on veneers, crowns, or fillings, nor will it be effective if the yellowing of the teeth is caused by medications or an injury to the mouth.

Why do teeth change color?

Over time, your teeth can change from their natural white color to another color, whether yellowing or the lack of luster of the white color of the tooth for several reasons, including:

- Food and drinks

Coffee and tea are the main causes of tooth discoloration. Food and drinks have in common, intense colored pigments called chromogens that interact and stick to the white outer part of the teeth (tooth enamel).

- Smoking

There are two chemicals found in tobacco that produce intractable stains, tar and nicotine. Tar is naturally black as it is known, while nicotine is colorless and works to mix with oxygen and then turns into a yellow substance that leads to yellowing of the teeth.

- Ivory

Beneath the hard, white outer shell of your teeth (enamel) is a softer area called dentin. Over time, the outer enamel layer becomes thinner, causing more yellowish dentin to appear through it.

- Injuries

If you get a blow in the mouth, your teeth may change color because they react to the injury by showing more dentin, which is the darker layer in color under the tooth enamel as previously mentioned.

- Medicines

Tooth discoloration can be a side effect of some antihistamines, antipsychotics, and high blood pressure medications. Antibiotics for young children such as tetracycline and doxycycline when their teeth are forming (whether in utero or when they are infants) contribute to discoloration in their later adulthood. Their lives, chemotherapy and radiation to the neck and head can also discolor the teeth.

What is the time required for teeth whitening work?

The total treatment can usually be done within three to four weeks, first you will need to make two or three visits to a cosmetic dentist in Saudi Arabia where the doctor will need to make a mouth guard and will take impressions of your mouth and teeth on the first appointment, once the doctor starts to do the operation, You will need to continue the treatment at home, this means using and applying the whitening product prescribed to you regularly over two to four weeks for between 30 minutes to one hour at a time.

However there are some new products that can be used for up to eight hours at a time, this means that you can get a satisfactory result in much less time.

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