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Book a dentist appointment

Book a dentist appointment

The process of scheduling a dentist’s appointment for necessary checkups is still a daunting feeling for many, but experts highly recommend that we visit the dentist at least twice a year to prevent any kind of oral health issues. Gums and teeth through the treatment and advice he provides to patients to help them maintain their teeth and smile always bright.

Important tips before you book a dentist appointment

Plan to request sufficient leave according to your age, whether it is from work or school, to give you enough time to recover from the entire treatment process until it is completed successfully, so when you make your appointment with the doctor, you should ask how long the examination and treatment process usually takes and then add additional time for it to ensure You are not in a hurry to fully recover, you will be in the dentist’s chair for a longer period if a long time has passed since your last visit, meaning if you visited the dentist two years ago, it is possible that you suffer from problems and complications with your teeth than the period of interest in visiting and following up every six months because if If there was a problem with your mouth, it was likely that you would have treated it before it got worse.

If you have dental insurance, check if your dentist supports this before you schedule your appointment to save money or to determine how much you should plan to pay during your visit to the dentist, we recommend that you go to the doctor early so you can fill out the paperwork (or hand them in if the forms are available) online early).

What happens in the usual dental examination?

A typical dental examination visit usually includes a combination of the following oral care activities:

- Dentist interview: The doctor or dental professional, if available, will conduct an initial oral examination of the gums, (public health professionals are not allowed to diagnose dental or gum problems but can document them) Public health professionals document any changes in your general health, use of medications, brush your teeth, and talk to you about Taking care of your teeth and gums and answering any questions you may have about this, your dentist will also perform an examination of your gums and teeth, in addition to asking about your general health and medical history or use of medications, reviewing the report made by a dental professional, and looking for signs of oral cancer or other diseases besides Examine any oral health problems and make treatment recommendations.

- Cleaning: Although brushing and flossing helps remove plaque and tartar, a professional cleaning provided by a dentist or specialist can clean your teeth completely and remove the hardened plaque that accumulates on the teeth as well as remove the yellowing of the teeth by whitening them, because they have a chain One of the distinctive tools and techniques for cleaning teeth by hand tools or an ultrasound device that provides a deep cleaning above and below the gum line.

- Teeth polishing: After cleaning the teeth, they are polished to remove plaque and stains on the surface of the teeth. This process is usually done using an abrasive and fluoride and is applied to the teeth.

- Prevention tips and advice: Your doctor may give you additional instructions to follow at home, so feel free to ask about any brushing, flossing, or general care questions about your teeth and gums.

- X-rays: X-rays may be used during the examination, where the doctor will look at the examination done by the specialist, your dental health history and determine the percentage of decay to determine how often you need X-rays.

- Treatment recommendations: If any oral health problems are discovered while booking a dentist appointment, your dentist will make recommendations for the best next steps, which may include additional diagnostic tests, or advice for fillings and crowns, for example.

What after visiting the dentist?

Taking great care of your gums and teeth between visits to the dentist is very important, as plaque and tartar always form on the teeth, and it can be easily avoided by brushing and flossing regularly, and the Dr.Dent platform offers you a set of important tips for good oral and dental health care. Such as:

- Brushing your teeth using a toothbrush and toothpaste twice a day, especially in the morning and before bed.

- Use a fluoride toothpaste

- Clean with floss to remove food particles between the teeth

- Use a mouthwash that helps control the formation of plaque bacteria on the teeth.

- Call the dentist immediately if you feel any kind of pain in your teeth, severe problems such as broken teeth are considered an emergency and therefore you should visit the dentist immediately.

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