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Pediatric dentist

Pediatric dentist

Nothing is more important to each of us than our children of course, right? We want them to look and feel absolutely healthy and at their best from now until the end of their lives, and part of our responsibility in this endeavor is to take care of our children's teeth, you know baby teeth are not It lasts forever but you can still maintain it to the fullest extent, and therefore dentistry has a special field for children by some specialists in this field, a pediatric oral and maxillofacial dentist can provide the dental care and hygiene that your children need, this type of dentist like him Like any other dentist with its underdeveloped branches, it is known that an adult behaves at the dentist differently than a child, adults do not need reassurance about dental care except for people with dental phobia, children hate the dentist more than they hate their homework and this A fact where all parents know it, studies conducted by famous dental societies have shown that only about 25 percent of parents take children to the dentist who will take care of their teeth. From the first year of his life up to the adolescence period, starting from the beginning of the stage of the emergence of the milk teeth until their loss and the appearance of the permanent teeth.

What does a specialized pediatric dentist do?

The hardest parts of pediatric dentistry include infants crying at the first sign of an exacerbation and not responding to requests to open their mouths. Pediatric dentists must perform oral examinations of infants and identify potential signs of decay, and in extreme cases they must perform remedial surgery and this is a difficult procedure It requires a great deal of skill.

Pediatric dentists also deal with basic dental care for children from infancy until almost adulthood. These dentists are experts in educating and guiding parents on how to help children break bad habits like thumb sucking and relying on pacifiers that most of us use to distract and prevent our children From crying by putting it in their mouth, in addition to educating them about the importance of cleaning teeth and modern fluoride treatments, in addition to providing suggestions about diet according to each case and the rules of proper nutrition, in addition to noting the foods that contribute to the destruction of tooth enamel, this is important because these foods hinder Long-term growth of permanent teeth.

In addition to all these tasks, pediatric dentists make diagnoses for potential problems such as stings and uneven teeth, which is why a dentist must add orthodontics or similar orthodontics to the treatment recommendations that are reported to parents, pediatric dentists also repair Dental cavities and gum disease treatment They even help diagnose complications of medical conditions related to oral health problems such as diabetes, asthma and hyperactivity.

What is the period of training needed by a pediatric dentist?

A pediatric dentist receives the same basic training as any other dentist, the individual must complete a minimum of five or six years in dental school, and earn satisfactory grades along the way, after that, the dentist receives additional training to work with children, A master's or doctoral degree is required for another study period of not less than three years.

The sixth year represents the most important stage in the education of every pediatric dentist, as he is trained in the dental clinic that deals specifically with children, and while he is there, the pediatric dentist learns how to apply their education in real, natural situations, they are also trained to deal with difficult cases such as infants and children with Special needs, after these six years the doctor is ready to work professionally as a pediatric dentist.

What can you expect when visiting a pediatric dentist?

You can schedule an appointment in the same way as you would for any other health care examination. When you arrive you will check in at the reception and tell the reception staff about your child's age. This is important to let them know when and how best to treat your child.

Be prepared to answer any questions the pediatric dentist may have, and at the same time make sure that your child feels stable and comfortable during the appointment, after a few visits to the dentist's office your child will not feel stressed about the process.

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