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Dental Center

dental center

Oral and maxillofacial health is a major indicator of the general health of the entire human body and of course depends on maintaining healthy teeth from a range of diseases and conditions that include tooth decay, gum disease, tooth loss, oral cancer, oral and dental trauma and birth defects such as cleft lips, experts estimated according to many statistics According to their 2021 study, oral diseases affect approximately 3.7 billion people worldwide, and according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, lip and oral cavity cancers are among the 20 most common types of cancer worldwide, with nearly than 180,000 deaths each year.

Most oral diseases and conditions share major risk factors with major noncommunicable diseases (cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic respiratory disease and diabetes). These factors include tobacco smoking, alcohol use and unhealthy diets high in sugars, all of which are increasing globally. . There is a proven relationship between oral health and public health. For example, we mention that diabetes is linked to the development of gingivitis. Moreover, there is a causal relationship between high consumption of sugars and diabetes, obesity and tooth decay. Hence the role of dental centers and doctors’ clinics in caring for dental patients to reduce From the exacerbation and development of the above-mentioned diseases.

Dental center services in Saudi Arabia

There are many dental centers in KSA, which would treat patients and rid them of dental pain that bothers them, and from here came our role in the Dr.Dent platform in assembling these centers and the services they contain and presenting them to all the public from companies, laboratories, doctors and patients in order to facilitate matters for them Among these services:

Dental exams

It is well known that when a patient goes for a dental examination, the doctor should ask questions about the patient's general health and the medications he is taking and their dosages, as many health conditions affect oral health and vice versa, some medications can affect the mouth or need to be considered before teeth medicine.

The oral and maxillofacial dentist will examine each tooth using small instruments, such as a mirror and a mouth probe (a fine instrument that looks like bumps), looking for problems such as tooth decay, gum disease, and other conditions.

The soft tissues of the mouth (gums, tongue, lips, cheeks, and throat) are also checked for signs of oral cancer and other potential problems. The dentist may also examine the jaw joints and lymph nodes in the patient's neck.

If the suspected dental problem is difficult to see (for example, possible decay between contact teeth or an infection) an X-ray may be needed. If there is a problem, the dentist will explain the treatment options to you and give the patient an estimate of the cost and time of the procedure. treatment.

Teeth cleaning 

Professional cleaning removes plankton from the teeth. This may include food particles, fine plaque (bacterial growth) or tartar (caused by mineral deposits from saliva in the mouth). Plaque and tartar are major causes of gum disease.

The dental specialist then cleans and polishes the patient's teeth using a rotating brush and a dedicated polishing paste. General dental cleaning helps treat and prevent gum disease.

The dentist can give you tips on how to maintain general oral hygiene and good hygiene practices to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Dental fissure sealant

Sealants protect teeth from decay. Any tooth with deep holes or cracks can be treated, but sealants are usually placed on the molars and premolars instead of the front teeth.

Dental fissures are placed on the surface of the teeth, and positioned so as to create a barrier that prevents food and other bacteria from collecting in the tooth's grooves and causing decay. Sealants are often recommended for children, as they reduce the risk of decay in permanent teeth that grow after the deciduous teeth fall out .

Dental fillings

Dental fillings are used to treat tooth decay that has caused cavities and holes in the tooth. The dentist removes the decay from the teeth, cleans the cavity, dry it and closes it with a filling material intended for the teeth.

A variety of fillings can be used to fill the cavity. You will be given advice on the most appropriate material based on the filling's size, shape and location. A common choice is a tooth-colored filling material (such as resin or ceramic composite), which can restore the appearance, shape and function of the tooth.

Dental restorations

The dentist can suggest several different treatment methods to restore damaged teeth. These treatments help restore the appearance, shape and function of the teeth. These methods include:

Composite resins: Broken, misshapen or oddly shaped teeth can be treated by sticking a tooth-colored resin filling to improve the appearance and function of the affected tooth. This resin may need to be replaced in the future if it is cracking, eroding or staining.

Veneer: Veneer is a thin layer of resin or porcelain that is permanently glued to the front of the tooth, sometimes the tooth needs to be dented a little lower to make room for the veneer.

Crowns or fillings: They are covers that are permanently glued or attached to the tooth. The crowns cover the entire tooth and can be made of porcelain, metal, or a combination of the two according to the area and aesthetic or functional needs. They cover the onlays (called partial fillings, and the protrusions of the tooth are removed only by them) A tooth has a lower density than a crown and can be used if there is enough tooth structure to support it.

Root canal treatment

Root canal treatment involves replacing the pulp or nerve of a damaged or infected tooth with dental fillings. The tooth’s nerve is contained within the hollow center of the tooth and consists of blood vessels and nerve fibers that supply the tooth with oxygen and nutrients and nerve endings that give a sense of pain or pressure on the tooth. Tooth injuries or advanced caries can irreversibly damage the dental pulp and can become infected.

During root canal treatment, the damaged nerve is removed, the dentist cleans and shapes the root canals with a drill and small coolers, the inside of the tooth is cleaned, dried and filled with fillings that extend to the end of the root, the root canal may need to be performed in stages over several sessions.

After the root canal treatment is completed, the surface of the tooth responsible for the bite is covered with a filling material or crown. This helps protect the tooth from breaking after root canal treatment.


Dental experts aim to preserve natural teeth, however teeth that have been damaged or severely decayed may need to be extracted. Dentists may also recommend removing problem wisdom teeth.

Wisdom teeth can contribute to various dental problems if they are jammed and stuck under the gum, where the wisdom tooth grows at an angle and reaches the adjacent tooth or into the gums. This rule with some cases that require the application of general anesthesia where the person is partially or completely unconscious.


Dentures (also known as dentures) are removable artificial teeth that replace some or all of a patient's natural teeth. An "immediate" denture can be made while there are still some healthy natural teeth remaining in the patient's jaw that are fitted on the day it is performed. Tooth removal, however changes to the jawbone during the denture process may cause the dentures to loosen gradually in some cases, so within a few months the immediate denture may need a relining to improve its fit with the mouth.

There is another option, where dentures can be made a few months after tooth extraction, this allows time for the jaw bones to heal and of course this means that the dentures should fit better.

Dentures should be removed and cleaned every day, it is recommended not to sleep with the patient's dentures on.

Mouth guards

Mouth guards protect the teeth, gums, lips, tongue and jaws from injury, they are used during exercise to prevent damage from blows that may affect the face.

Dental professionals can mold a patient's teeth to make a well-fitting and comfortable mouth guard to protect the patient's jaw, custom-made mouth guards offer a better fit and protection compared to ready-made mouth guards.

Dental implants

Dental implants can be used to replace missing teeth. An implant is a titanium screw-shaped prosthetic device that is surgically fixed in the jaw and an artificial tooth can be fitted over it. Several sessions are required to plan treatment, design and install implants.

Titanium is a safe material that allows bone to grow around it. Implants generally have high success rates but require an additional level of training and experience.


Orthodontics treatment is often recommended to correct abnormalities in the jaw and tooth position, such as upper teeth or lower teeth. Corrective treatment may include braces or the installation of a removable appliance. After orthodontic treatment, a retaining device is needed to maintain correct dental positions. Jaw surgery may be necessary as a thorough correction is required for best results.

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